The Role of Personality Traits and Life Expectancy in Predicting Psychological Hardiness in Students Regarding Sexuality



Introduction: The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of personality traits and life expectancy in predicting the psychological hardiness.
Method: This is a correlation research in which students of Tehran Payame Noor University were selected by available sampling. Data were analyzed by Snyder’s (AHS-12) Hope Questionnaire, NEO Five Factor Analysis (NEO-FFI) AND Ahwaz Hardiness Inventory (AHI). Data were analyzed by Pearson Correlation Method and Regression Analysis.
Results: Results showed that there’s a significant positive relationship between life expectancy, extroversion, compatibility, and conscientiousness with hardiness and there’s a significant negative relationship between neuroticism and openness to experience with hardiness. Regression analysis indicated that life expectancy, extroversion, compatibility, high conscientiousness, neuroticism and low openness to experience predict hardiness.
Discussion and conclusion: Results showed that personality traits and life expectancy have an important role in students’ hardiness.
