Sexual similarities and differences in jealousy: Comparing men and women in response to infidelity



Introduction:The purpose of this study is to determine the gender differences in Jealousy between men and women. It is assumed that men are disturbed more than sexual infidelity and women more than emotional Infidelity. Method: In order to investigate the research questions, samples were selected from students and educators in Golestan province. The statistical population of the present study included all single and married women and men (19 to 30 years old ) in Gorgan. The research sample included two groups: The men and women who were selected by Clustering method among single students of Gorgan University, and male and female employees of married education, which their age and gender were matched to single individuals. In this research, 200 subjects were studied that included 104 men (56 single and 48 married) and 96 women (33 single and 63 married). The current research tools included two parts: 1) Researcher-made questionnaire on demographic characteristics of samples that included variables such as age, gender, marital status and duration, educational level, place of residence, spouse's profile.  2) scenarios, which were presented in accordance with external research and related questions. In order to adapt it to the conditions of the Iranian society and respect cultural aspects, referring to men and women in the family courts and the public environment, the cases of emotional and sexual  infidelity were amended in accordance with the cultural conditions of Iran. Result: After implementation of the mentioned tools, the research data were analyzed based on multiple variance analysis. A summary of the results showed that in part of the scenarios, men suffered more than sexual infidelity and women more than emotional infidelity. Conclusion: In terms of sexual and emotional infidelity, there are gender differences between men and women.
