Effectiveness of Attention-oriented Games on Memory Performance and Learning of Preschool Children with Learning Neuropsychological Disabilities.



This survey was conducted aiming at determining effectiveness of attention-oriented games on memory performance and learning of preschool children with learning neuropsychological disabilities. This is experimental survey and was conducted based on pre-test and post-test with control group. For this purpose, 20 neuropsychological-disability children were selected through multi-stage random sampling among five-to-six year old children in Isfahan. These children were randomly categorized in control and test groups. Attention-oriented games were done on test group. The applied tools were Conners neuropsychological diagnostic test and Ryan preschool scale of intelligence. The data were analyzed by Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).
Findings showed that attention-oriented games can influence memory performance and learning of preschool children with learning neuropsychological disabilities (P < 0.01). Therefore, the mentioned results, aligning with other findings, provided basic application of such games for children with learning neuropsychological disabilities.
