The Causal Relationship of the Feature Personality Traits Following Mediation Therapy Perceived Social Support in Female Cancer Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Hematologist and medical oncologist, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Jundishapur University, Ahvaz, Iran


Introduction: Adherence to treatment is an important issue in the field of physical and mental health that saves the lives of many people slowly The present study aims to investigate the causal relationship of the characteristic Personality traits following treatment or mediation Social support was conducted in female cancer patients.

Method: The descriptive research method and correlational research design was a structural equation model (SEM). 310 women with cancer in the city of Ahvaz in the winter of 1402 in a sample way Available options were selected. Tools used in the questionnaire compliance with treatment (Sydfatemi et al., 2017), Neo's personality (Costa & Mccrae, 1992) and perceived social support (Zimmet et al., 1988). for data analysis, SPSS software was used for descriptive information and AMOS software was used to evaluate the model. Direct relationships were calculated with Aimos software and indirect relationships were calculated with Bootstrap method of Aimos software and the index Absolute fit, relative or incremental fit, and limited or adjusted fit were reported.

Results: Analysis Structural equation modeling emphasized that the fit of the proposed model is good. Also, the results indicated that the feature Personalities and subscales His Highness (Ravanjoorkhoi, Bron‌ Orientation, openness to experience, agreeableness and duty‌ science) through mediation‌ Social support has an effect on treatment compliance.

Discussion and Conclusion: Considering the important issue of adherence to treatment, it seems important‌ In order to improve this variable, related and influencing variables such as characteristics personality and social support, more attention from officials and politics Health and mental health providers should be placed.
