Guide to judging articles

Reviewers’ Guidelines:

To start judging, after entering the username and password, you will enter the personal page. From the menu of this page, enter the dedicated page of the referee.

On this page, there are three options:

New articles submitted for review and not yet open.

Articles that you have left unfinished in previous references and you can reopen and complete the judging process.

The reviewed articles, which are only listed, and since you have announced your final opinion, there is no need for further work and you can not change the previous opinion!

Suppose a new article is sent to you

 These articles are listed at the top of the page, with a dedicated code next to each item. Click this code to open the article.

By clicking on the article code, you can see the editor's description, article summary and the box for inserting your initial comment.

In the first stage, you will only be asked to declare your readiness to judge; You can choose whether to accept or not.

Only after accepting the refereeing can you view the full text of the article and post your opinion about it in the system.

In the scientometric research journal system, the referee can:

Write a special note for the author.

Write a special note to the editor.

Open the special evaluation form and fill it out.

Send an edited file or with notes and annotations to the editor through the system. Most evaluators prefer to include their opinion in the margins of the article.

Open and read the original file of the article using the link on this page

Post your suggested comments to the editor and author. Inserting this comment is optional but writing it is recommended.


Upload your edited file and additional comments in the form of a text file using the special panel. The file is sent to the editor and author

By clicking on the link of the refereeing form, the articles of the refereeing form will be displayed. This form is optional in several forms and completing all its options.

 In the end, it is necessary to determine the final opinion of the referee in the form of one of the following five options:


Minor review for acceptance



I can not judge

Note that this final opinion of the referee plays a decisive role in the publication of the article.

After submitting the review opinion to the editor, the title of the relevant article will be listed on the reviewed articles page. The titles in this list cannot be re-judged.

Also, due to the large amount of time that must be devoted to the work of arbitration, this work can be stopped at any stage and continued at another time.

All you have to do is select the second option, the articles being judged, from the referee's dedicated page and complete the unfinished process.