Guide for Authors

Guidelines for Authors of the Journal of Clinical Psychology and Personality (Shaheed University Bi-Quarterly)

Section One: How to Write and Submit an Article

  1. The scientific journal "Clinical Psychology and Personality" accepts original research and review articles that adhere to the structure outlined in the journal's guidelines for authors.
  2. The submitted article must not be published in whole or in part in any other journal. If the article has previously been presented at scientific conferences, this must be indicated by providing the full details of the relevant conference.
  3. Do not submit your article to another journal until you receive a response regarding its acceptance from the current journal.
  4. The official language of the journal is Persian, and the article must be written in fluent Persian.
  5. Avoid using English words or terms that have clear Persian equivalents in the text. In necessary and essential cases, include the Persian form of the word in the text and its English equivalent in the footnotes.
  6. The submitted articles will be evaluated and reviewed by the editor, the editorial board, and reviewers. If approved, they will be published after any necessary corrections and edits are made in accordance with the established guidelines.
  7. A letter signed by the author(s) of the article must be attached to the submitted manuscript, indicating their agreement to publish the article and confirming that it will not be submitted to other journals simultaneously.
  8. The journal reserves the right to reject, accept, edit, summarize, and revise submitted articles, which will not be returned.
  9. The order of publication of the articles is determined by the journal's regulations and is not influenced by the academic degrees or personal characteristics of the authors.
  10. The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the article's content.
  11. If the authors do not review the article within the granted deadline and fail to return it to the journal within the specified timeframe, the journal may remove the article from its agenda. In such cases, resubmission of the article to the journal will not be permitted.
  12. Please type in Microsoft Office Word using the complete Persian language settings.
  13. Use B Nazanin bold font at size 12 for Persian text, B Zar regular font at size 11 for the Persian abstract, and Times New Roman font at size 9 for English text.
  14. The title should be in bold B Traffic font at size 20.
  15. The submitted article must include a title page in both English and Persian, the names of the author(s) in both languages, an extended abstract in English and Persian, a non-extended abstract in English and Persian, and keywords in both English and Persian.
  16. Author or list of authors' details should be provided as shown in the sample below. It is essential to include the author(s) details in both Persian and English abstracts. Additionally, it is recommended to refer to the latest published issue of the journal for guidance on formatting your article.

- Name and surname of the author(s) (in the Persian abstract, in bold BZar font, size 11).

- Number the authors' names and subscript their details in the following order:

1) educational level/scientific rank,

2) educational group,

3) university name (in the Persian abstract, use the regular B Lotus font at size 11).

- Include the name of the responsible author when there are multiple authors, along with their email address. This should be presented in the Persian abstract using the BZar font at size 9.

  1. When drawing tables, please ensure that "numbers and figures" are typed in Persian, and "decimal numbers" should be formatted as shown in the example (3/47). Avoid using "tab" or "enter" for spacing in this context.
  2. Curves, graphs, and figures should be created and arranged in black and white using Microsoft Office Word software.
  3. Tables and graphs should be numbered and referenced in the text of the article using the corresponding number (e.g., Table 1, Graph 2).
  4. Latin names and terms should be provided with subtitles at the bottom of the same page.
  5. Titles in the article should not be numbered.
  6. Appendices and footnotes should be included at the end of the article, following the references.
  7. The journal reserves the right to accept or reject articles.
  8. The journal welcomes constructive suggestions and criticisms to enhance the quality of published articles.
  9. Submissions can only be made through the journal's website at the following address:, and registration is required prior to submission.
  10. To view the code of ethics, please visit the journal's website: Home Page - Journal Information - Principles of Ethics for Publishing Articles.
  11. Additionally, obtain the code of ethics from the relevant university or universities that have an ethics committee, if possible.
  12. To receive final acceptance, the article must be prepared and uploaded to the system in the current format, in addition to the early submission format and any other formats required by the journal. These requirements will be communicated to the author if the review results are favorable and all amendments are approved. It is essential that the content of all submitted versions of the article—including the early submission version, the regular version without comments, and the regular version with highlighted changes—remains identical in terms of content and structure. The early submission format is available on the journal's homepage.
  13. When submitting an article at the initial stage, it is essential to upload two copies of the article file: one anonymous version and one that includes the authors' names.
  14. Please complete the author's commitment form.
  15. Please complete the conflict of interest form.
  16. Author Profiles
  17. The corresponding author may withdraw the article from review only within one week of its submission to the journal. Once the article has entered the review process, withdrawal is no longer possible. If the corresponding author wishes to request the withdrawal of the article after the specified time, this request must be submitted through the appropriate option in the journal's system. It is important to note that if the editor agrees to the request for the withdrawal of the article, the corresponding author is obligated to pay the review and processing fees on behalf of all authors. If the author refuses to pay the specified fees, the journal may publish the article again without the author's permission, and if deemed appropriate, in compliance with the authors' intellectual property rights.
  18. Simultaneously submitting an article to multiple journals or conferences before receiving a final decision from the original journal is considered a violation of research ethics. In such cases, appropriate action will be taken in accordance with established regulations.
  19. The journal reserves the right to assess compliance with ethical standards, investigate cases of plagiarism, and discredit articles. At any stage of the article evaluation process, or even after publication, the journal may take action to blacklist offending authors and invalidate the aforementioned articles.


Paragraph Two: Organization and Structure of Internal Titles and Article Content

In view of the necessity to adhere to the editorial guidelines and structure of journal articles, it is essential for authors to meticulously review the organization and internal headings of their manuscripts. This review should encompass both the sequence and the style of writing. Once authors have confirmed that their articles align with all the aforementioned criteria, they may proceed with submission. The internal structure and keywords for the journal articles are outlined as follows:

The English title of the article, along with the name and surname of the author(s) listed in order of the main author, the second author, and any additional authors, must be included in a footnote on the first page. This should also include their academic rank, affiliated organization, and ORCID code.

In addition, the responsible author, also known as the corresponding author, must be clearly identified.

A Brief abstract in English

The English abstract must be between 200 and 250 words. It should be conceptually consistent with the Persian short abstract and include the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Keywords.

Each of these sections should be written in a separate paragraph.

The font style and size for the various sections of the English abstract should be as follows: Times New Roman, font size 9, bold.


The English extended abstract is a more comprehensive and detailed version of the short English abstract. This extended abstract should include the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion, Ethical Considerations (including compliance with ethical guidelines), Funding, Authors’ Contributions, Conflict of Interest, and Acknowledgements.


How to Write an Extended English Abstract


Introduction (200 to 250 words)

The word "Introduction" should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 9, and bold. However, the text in this section should not be bold. This section should briefly cover important elements such as the scope of the subject, theoretical and research foundations, significance and necessity, clarification of the research problem, and the purpose of the article. Essentially, this section serves as a summary of the first part of your full article, preceding the methods section.


Method (200-250 words)

The word "Method" should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 9, and bold. However, the text of the explanation in this section should not be bold. This section serves as a summary of the method section in the full text of your article and should include the following elements: the type of study, a definition of the population, the sample and sampling method, the instruments used, the implementation method, and the analysis method. If the study is interventional, the intervention program should be described prior to the implementation method.


Results (300 and 350 words)

The word "Results" should be in Times New Roman font, size 9, and bold; however, the text explaining this section should not be bold.

The main findings of the research, encompassing both descriptive and inferential results, should be presented in a concise summary. This section serves as an overview of the findings section in the full text of your article. It is not required to detail the assumptions of the tests; instead, simply state in one sentence that the assumptions have been satisfied. Any necessary tables or graphs should be numbered and included, with a maximum of two tables permitted.


Conclusion (200 and 250 words)

The word "Conclusion" should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 9, and bold. However, the text explaining this section should not be bold. The conclusion must include the following:

(1) Principles and generalizations derived from the results.

(2) Exceptions, Issues, or Limitations of the Work

(3) Theoretical and Practical Applications

(4) Conclusions and Recommendations

Full Extended Abstract: Maximum of 4 Pages


Ethical Considerations Section in English

This section should be included at the end of the extended abstract in English, under the general title of "Ethical Considerations". Please note that the explanations for each of the following sections must be written in English:

Ethical Considerations (Font size 9)

Compliance with Ethical Guidelines (Font size 9)

The code of ethics, along with the number and date of issuance of the necessary permits to conduct the study, should be included in this section. If the article is based on a thesis, the thesis code and the date of proposal approval or defense should be provided. Similarly, if the article originates from a research project, the project code and the date of approval or defense of the research project should be specified. Additionally, the consent of the sample subjects, as well as principles such as the confidentiality of information and adherence to ethical standards, should be clearly outlined in this section.

Funding (Font size 9)

In this section, please specify the organization or institution that provided the funding necessary to conduct your research. If you did not receive any sponsorship, you may state that this study was conducted without financial support from any institution or organization.

Authors' Contributions (Font size 9)

In this section, you should clarify the role of each author in the article. If the article is based on a research project, you may include the names of the principal investigator and their colleagues. Descriptions such as principal investigator, article author, scientific editor, analyst, supervisor, and advisor can be utilized to explain the role of each author in this section.

Conflict of Interest (Font size 9)

In this section, state in one sentence whether there was a conflict of interest in presenting the research results. Acknowledgements, (font size 9

Additionally, express gratitude and acknowledge the individuals who participated in the study, the institutions that provided the necessary licenses, supervisors and advisors, as well as any individuals or organizations that contributed to the research, along with the reasons for your appreciation.

*To enhance the quality of English abstracts in articles, authors are required to input the abstract text into the Grammarly system prior to submitting the article. After correcting any errors, they should then send the revised abstract to the journal.

Persian Title of the Article

The names and surnames of the author or authors should be listed in the following order: the main author, the second author, and any additional authors. This information must include their academic ranks, affiliated organizations, and ORCID codes, and it should be placed in a footnote on the first page. Additionally, the responsible author (corresponding author) must be clearly identified.

Unstructured Persian abstract is between 200 and 300 words, including the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Keywords.


Research Hypotheses or Questions (if applicable)

Method: This section includes the following components: Type of Research, Subject (Statistical Population and Research Sample), Research Instruments, Research Methodology, and Data Analysis Methodology.


Discussion and Conclusion

Research Limitations and Suggestions (if applicable)

Ethical Considerations in Persian Culture

This section, typically titled Ethical Considerations should be written at the end of the full text of the article in Persian and must include the following:

Adherence to the Principles of Research Ethics

The code of ethics, along with the number and date of issuance of the necessary permits to conduct the study, should be mentioned in this section. If the article is derived from a thesis or dissertation,

A research plan should be included.


In this section, please specify the organization or institution that provided the funding necessary to conduct your research. If you did not receive any sponsorship, you may state that this study was conducted without financial support from any institution or organization.

Acknowledgement and Funding (if applicable):

In the version with the name of the article that includes the title, it is essential to include the section and Funding" at the end of the article, just before the list of references. It is important to note that in the anonymous version of the article, to maintain confidentiality, it is sufficient to include only the title "Acknowledgement and Funding, the review process, when the author is requested to upload the final versions of the article according to the journal's required formats, the author must complete the information in this section.

References: The list of references and in-text citations should be based on the Vancouver style.

Attachments(if applicable)

Please use the appropriate citation style and attach any available documents.

Test evaluation articles should be included.

Paragraph Three: In-Text Referencing and Citation of References

  1. Citations (references) in both the text and the reference list of the article should be based on the Vancouver Style.
  2. Citations within the text of the article should begin at the start and be numbered consecutively, starting with 1. Only the number of the source should be indicated in brackets [ ], continuing sequentially until the last source is referenced. Avoid using parentheses in the text to mention the author's surname, year, or page number. If a source is cited multiple times, repeat the corresponding number for that source in the text.
  3. In the final reference list, arrange the sources in the order they are cited in the text of the article, one after the other. The bibliographic details of the sources should be formatted according to Vancouver style.

The link provides an example of a reference list formatted in Vancouver style.

The reference list must include complete bibliographic information for all in-text citations for each source and have a corresponding in-text citation for every source.

The sources included in the list of references must be legitimate and not fabricated. This can be verified by conducting an online search for each source.

For all sources, if a DOI is available, it must be included in the bibliographic information. If a DOI is not available, the URL of the source should be provided instead.

Persian sources in the list of references must be translated into English according to the bibliographic information provided by the journal for the article. The English versions of the author's name, article title, and journal title must correspond with what is stated in the article. Additionally, the phrase [In Persian] must be included at the end.

In their references, authors must refer to at least two articles from previous issues of the Journal of Clinical Psychology and Personality, highlighting them in the reference list of their article. Research articles focusing on the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom will be prioritized if they align with the thematic scope of the journal.


**Please note that the cost of publishing an article in the Journal of Clinical Psychology and Personality is one million Rials (equivalent to one hundred thousand Tomans).

**Please note that any article not prepared and organized in accordance with the journal's author guidelines will be removed from the scientific evaluation agenda.