Keywords = Coping Styles
psychological coping styles and tendency to addiction in teenagers: the Mediating role of resilience and ambiguity.

Volume 17, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 191-202


Karim Babaei Nadinlouei; Sobhan Golmohammadzadeh; Bahareh Shirzad; Abbas Shirzadpour; Shahzad Mazdarani

The Role of Mindfulness and Coping Styles in Predicting Students' Clinical Disorders

Volume 14, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 89-98


Mansoureh Shafaghi; Azam Farah Bijari

The Relationship between Criminals' Personality Traits (Personality Disorder) and their Coping Styles

Volume 7, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 61-69

M.M. Alilo; A. Esmali; H. Vahedi; R. Rezaei

The Relationship between coping styles and mental health in Sepidan’s high school students

Volume 4, Issue 2, November 2006, Pages 23-32

M.A. Mohammad Ali Goodarzi; Z. Moieni Roodbali