The efficacy of Behavioral-mindfulness Intervention on Self-concept Promotion and Life Quality Improvement of Female Students with Negative Body Image



The purpose of this paper is to survey effectiveness of behavioral-mindfulness intervention on self-concept promotion and life quality improvement of female students with negative body image. After applying Multi-dimensional Body-Self Relationship Questionnaire (MBSRQ), 30 females with scores under 160 and 33 respectively in MBSRQ and Body Areas Satisfaction Scale (BASS) were selected and categorized in two 15-person test and control groups. The subjects in both groups replied to all the items of MBSRQ, Beck Self-concept and Life Quality questionnaires before and after intervention. Data analysis was done after 12 sessions of behavioral-mindfulness using SPSS software 16th version and variance analysis test. Findings showed that there is significant difference between test and control groups in relation to body image and self-concept, representing improvement of them in subjects. But life quality changes in test group were not significantly different from control one. Considering the above-mentioned findings, it could be stated that behavioral-mindfulness intervention with modification of behavioral and conceptual components related to body image improves individuals’ judgment on their own body and rationalizes their perception of it leading to improvement of satisfaction of body and self-concept
