Reliability, validity, and factorial analysis of coping self-efficacy scale

Document Type : Original Article



Introduction: The objective of this study investigated factorial structure for the coping self-efficacy scale (CSE) among Iranian students.

Method: This study was Descriptive research. The sample was consisted of 250 graduate student  of payam noor university, who were selected through selected randomly sampling. For data analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, t-test for independent groups and Pearson correlation was used.

Results: The exploratory factor analysis, three factors were extracted by 61/84 of the common variance explained scores. Confirmatory factor analysis of the three-factor structure of coping self-efficacy scale used in the sample gives support. The scale also showed a positive correlation with general self-efficacy scale. the Cronbach alpha as 0.63-0.91 of CSE factors was estimated and it was acceptable.

Conclusion:  The results showed that the scale of Iranian students, the three-factor structure and has good reliability and validity. So, coping self-efficacy scale can be used in Iranian samples.
