A Comparison of aggression, depression, anexity, stress and fear of negative evaluation in addicts and Normal People

Document Type : Original Article



Aim: The present study aimed was to compare aggression, depression, anexity, stress, fear of negative evaluation in addicts with normal people. Method: The research method was causal-comparative research method which is categorized as descriptive research method. The sample included 140 people (70 addict, and 70 normal) that by convenience sampling with considering of entry criteria selected. Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire, Standard questionnaires for depression, anxiety, stress and fear of negative evaluation administered among selected sample. Results: The results indicated that there is a significant difference between aggression, depression, anexity, stress and fear of negative evaluation in addict and normal groups. So that all the variables mean scores of addicts were higher than normal people. Conclusion: The results imply the importance and role of aggression, negative emotions and fear of negative evaluation in addict. These results suggest planning to reduce agression and distress and having regard to these variables is important in addiction and relapse prevention. 
