Personality traits (Extraversion and neuroticism) as moderators of the association between stigma and Psychological help-seeking amongst the university students

Document Type : Original Article


Lorestan University


The purpose of the current study was to explore the moderating effects of Extraversion and neuroticism on the relationship between stigma and Psychological help-seeking. The hypotheses were as follows: Extraversion and neuroticism would moderate the relationship between stigma and Psychological help-seeking. This descriptive correlational study was conducted in 2016-17. In this study, at first we selected 384 students in lorrestan university, Iran. Then the students completed Stigma Scale for Receiving Psychological Help, Attitudes towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help, Short Form and NEO-five factor inventory. Hierarchical linear regression analyses were used to examine the moderating role of Extraversion and neuroticism. Results reveal that there is a significant relationship stigma and Psychological help-seeking. Extraversion and neuroticism was also a moderator in the relationship between stigma and Psychological help-seeking.


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