Evaluate the psychometric properties of sexual quality of life questionnaire (SQOL-F)

Document Type : Original Article


Shahed University


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate aspects of female sexual quality of life questionnaire Iranian version SQOL-F psychometric Feature  and its validity and reliability.

Methods: The study included clinical and non-clinical groups is the non-clinical sample consisted of 343 people of all married women in Tehran, Qom and Sari. The sample of the study was to have married 49 women have formed sexual problems from June to September are 94 family health clinics for treatment are referred Shahed University. they were asked sexual quality of life questionnaire (SQOL-F) and the distance twice a month to complete.

Results: The results of the factor analysis identified two factors resulted in non-clinical samples and clinical specimens were three factors.

Conclusion: Overall, the validity and reliability of this scale for use in Iranian population of married women was demonstrated by the evidence.


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