Effectiveness of media and virtual Space Psychological literacy training on cognitive-emotional flexibility of adolescents

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Sistan andBaluchestan, zahedan- Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran.


Introduction: The aim of the research was the effectiveness of media psychological literacy training on the cognitive-emotional flexibility of adolescents.

Method: The method of the current research was semi-experimental and in the form of a two-group pre-test-post-test design. The statistical population of the research was the middle school students of Birjand in the academic year 1402-1403, and 60 students (30 girls and 30 boys) were randomly selected into two experimental and control groups (30 people in each group). The experimental group (15 girls and 15 boys) were trained separately for 8 weeks, one session of 90 minutes each week, using the educational package of psychological literacy of media and virtual space (created by the researcher). The research tools include questionnaires on psychological literacy of media and virtual space (made by the researcher), the Iranian version of cognitive flexibility by Dennis, Vanderwal and Jillon (2010) introduced by Kokhandani and Abolmaali al-Hosseini (2013) and the cognitive regulation of emotion (Garnefski and Karaij, 2006, introduced by Basharat, 2015). Data analysis was done with statistical analysis software spss-23.

Results: Teaching psychological literacy in media and virtual space has a significant effect on students' cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation (P<0.01).

Discussion and conclusion: Considering the role of psychological literacy of media and virtual space in increasing cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation of teenagers, the strategy of teaching media literacy using this educational package as an efficient method in improving psycho-social indicators and preventing media and virtual space damage is suggested.
