Document Type : Original Article
Ph.D Student, Department of Counseling, Aras International Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ardakan University, Ardakan, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid BeheshtiUniversity, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to comparison effectiveness wisdom-focused couple therapy with emotional-focused couple therapy on sense of coherence in couples with marital conflicts.
Method: The method of this quasi -experimental study with pre-test and post-test design was unequal with the control group. The statistical population was all couples with marital conflicts who referred to Maks, Behrozan and Behsa counseling centers in Tehran city in year summer and fall of 2023. In the first stage, the number of 24 couples with a score of 115 and above on the marital conflict questionnaire was selected and then randomly divided into 2 experimental groups (each group 8 couples) and one control group (8 couples) were replaced and experimental groups underwent wisdom- focused couple therapy and emotion-focused couples therapy, but the control group received no therapy and remained in the waiting list. To collect data marital conflict questionnaire (MCQ) oand sense of coherence questionnaire (SOCQ). Data analysis was performed using SPSS-28 software with analysis of variance with repeated measures and Bonferroni.
Result: The results of the study showed that of both interventions had a significant effect on sense of coherence (P<0.05). In addition, the results of Bonferroni post hoc test showed that emotion-focused couples therapy is more effective (P<0.05).
Discussion and conclusion: It can be concluded that that, in addition effectiveness of both therapy, the priority of use in the therapy of couples with marital conflicts is with the emotion-focused couple’s therapy.